Temporary Tuesday

Our time here on earth is temporary. Each of us will live for a certain time and then die. But then what? Is the end really the end?

Throughout the years, people who have had “near death” experiences have told and recorded their stories. Many recount meetings with departed love ones, described heavenly surroundings too beautiful for description, and conversations with angelic beings – not to mention Jesus Himself. Many have also described visiting hellish places too horrible for the human mind to bear, seeing demonic beings waiting to destroy anyone in their midst.

Apparently, these experiences carry with them a particular message – the existence of an “afterlife” – a place where we actually go when we die.

The Bible continuously refers us to the knowledge of Heaven and Hell – actual afterlife destinations for all of us – no exceptions. We are given ample opportunity to choose for ourselves during our temporary lifetimes where we will go, and how we will get there.

Hell is described as “everlasting”  fire, punishment, outer darkness, destruction – prepared for the Devil and his angels, and rejectors of the Gospel.

Heaven is described as “everlasting”  bliss, joy, peace, paradise – prepared for those who accept the Gospel.

Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself;  that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.” (John 14:2-4)

Choose God’s Way – Jesus and His Gospel-

 -and when your “temporary” life ends and your “eternal” life begins, you will spend it in Heaven – with Him.

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